Our List of Trunk-Or-Treats Happening In Amarillo on Oct 31

If you're trying to find places to go on Halloween with the kids for Trunk-or-Treating, you're in luck. There are several planned for Oct 31 this year.
There are several planned that are part of other events; like the Renaissance Faire and Tascosa Drive-In. Here is a quick list of others happening around town.
Candy Cruise
This one kicks off at 10 AM at Messiah's House in Amarillo at 6901 Bell Street. Click here for details.
Hoctober Festival
The Amarillo Bulls will be having their first game of the season. This event includes a trunk-or-treat and a costume parade on the ice. Click here for details.
Central Church of Christ Trunk or Treat
This one starts at 6 PM at Central Church of Christ. Click here for details.
Halloween At Amarillo Opera!
This one will be at the Amarillo Opera and they promise to have a lot of candy for everyone. It starts at 5 PM. Click here for details.
Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat
This one is at Trinity Lutheran Woodlands starting at 5:30 PM. Click here for details.
Trunk or Treat with Amarillo Venom
This one is at Gene Messer Ford at 3400 Soncy. It starts at 5:30 PM. It's their annual trunk-or-treat. Click here for details.
This list will more than likely grow as we get closer to Halloween. Even with the current red status of the city, it seems like more events keep popping up with few cancellations.
We'll be updating this list as we come across more trunk-or-treats happening in Amarillo.