It's 10 pm, do you know where your children are? That would open up and lead into our newscast when I was growing up in Chicago. I found out it was not just Chicago that used that each night. I was young and wondered why that needed to be said.
Family is interesting. Some members you are really close to. Some you don't want to even admit you are related to. Every family has their troubles. They have stories we don't want everyone to know about.
There have been missing persons over the years in Amarillo. The first one I really remember growing up was the case of Dorien Thomas. He went missing back in 1998. To this day he has still not been found.
Amarillo Police Department has a message. Stop the madness and the racing here in Amarillo. It is dangerous. Oh, and if you play the numbers game eventually they will get you.
The jobs are out there if you are looking. If you have an interest in law enforcement and would be interested in a position with the Amarillo Police Department there is good news. They are hiring. Oh and you don't have to be an officer.
So another scam is making it's way around Amarillo. Why or why do people even fall for any of these? When in doubt always just hang up the phone and call whoever it is directly.