I am new to being a Mimi. OK, relatively new. My granddaughter is nineteen months old now. I am trying to remember everything from when I was a mom to a baby. Heck, that was over twenty-four years ago. There is a lot to remember. My daughter is always asking me for advice. As our grown kids tend to do. She is a great mom.

But boy has the time flown by. Laila has already grown out of her baby car seat. I have still been using it in my car when needed. I need an upgrade to make it easier.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Having my own big girl car seat will make it easier when I need, or want, to pick her up from daycare. I looked on Amarillo's Marketplace to buy a used one but would only do that if I knew the person selling it.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

It's not recommended that you buy a car seat used unless you can verify the age of the seat. Car seats do expire and you just don't always know what you are buying.  You don't know if it has been in a car crash. So I said no to Marketplace.

I am now on the hunt. I want to buy one that can still be rear-facing for several more years. I mean that is the safest for the baby anyway. I also don't want to spend two hundred dollars or more on a car seat.

Luckily I just saw where Target was going to help me out. I mean I am all about saving money.

Have You Heard About Target's Car Seat Trade-in Event?

It's like Target knew I was needing a car seat now. This is when they are having their Car Seat Trade-in Event. Lucky me. I shop at Target a lot anyway so I am surprised I didn't know this was a thing.


I love the fact that you can trade in any car seat. It doesn't matter if it is expired, which it does after ten years, or if it is damaged. No sense in holding on to stuff like that and you shouldn't feel right trying to sell it. So this is the best way. You can get a new car seat or another baby item at a discount.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

I know what my plans are this week. Baby girl is getting her a much-needed new car seat.

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