The 2020 Sheriff’s Citizen Academy Is Accepting Applications
Randall County Sheriff's Office announced today that they are accepting applications for this year's Citizens Academy. It kicks off in March and will last for 10 weeks.
The Citizens Academy is a neat opportunity if you're wanting to learn more about what goes on at the Sheriff's Office. They cover a lot of what goes on behind the scenes during the course.
People who have taken the course talk highly of it, saying it's very informative and a great learning experience.
I think it would be very interesting to sign up and take the course. I have a very vague, basic understanding of what the Sheriff's Office does. I'm sure the course would blow my mind.
The application describes the course as:
... a twelve week program designed to acquaint residents of Randall County with the goals, objectives, organizational structure and general operating procedures of the Sheriff's Office.
The application does state that you will need to be at least 21 years old, and you will need to agree to a background check.
I think a lot of us take for granted the fact that our first responders will be there, without ever thinking about what happens behind the scenes to make that happen; the faceless people working behind the scenes to serve our communities.
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