What is the Story Behind This Amarillo Building?
When I am out driving around the streets of Amarillo I notice a lot of things. DoorDashing has led me to some interesting sights. I don't care how long the delivery takes because when I go down unfamiliar roads I find and wonder about different places.
Recently one of my journeys took me off the beaten path. I travel down Amarillo Boulevard quite a lot but this trip took me on a further journey and I was so happy for the outcome. A new discovery. So I started wondering what is the story behind this building.
It didn't take a lot to find out it had some history. Right now it is a motorcycle parts shop. It is still open and has a purpose in our city. It's great to see that it is one of the old businesses that are still being used. Nothing is worse than seeing a place just sit empty.
This place does have a story to tell. It's located at 10411 Amarillo Boulevard and is home to Legends Custom Shop. Legends has been in that location for many years. It has made a name of its own.
Years ago it was even more than that. It was brighter. It screamed from the side of the road to come take a second and stop here. It was Save Way Gas. Back in times when things were simpler.
Back when there was a payphone to help you out when you needed to make a call. You remember those, don't you? I mean this was years before everyone carried a phone in their back pocket. This was when full service was still a thing.
It's nice to be reminded of those times.
Photographer, John Margolies, is famous for taking some really memorable photos. One was our Save Way here in Amarillo. He had a whole collection of Photographs of Roadside America. This Save Way photo was a part of that collection.
Amarillo and the Save Way will forever be in our memories. Even if you were not alive during it's heyday. You can still drive by and relive it some. The famous photo was taken back in 1977. The red "gas oil" bomb is gone. There is talk that the current owners know where it is or may even have it. That would be neat to see.
Amarillo, where you can learn so much history just from taking a drive around our city. Try is some time.
Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part One
Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett
Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part Two
Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett
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