When Does Summer In Texas ACTUALLY End? Here’s The Sad Answer.
Are you like me? Do you equate the seasons to how hot or cold it is outside? Maybe you determine seasons based on the school calendar. I know I've done that too. It makes it confusing to know exactly what season we're in doesn't it?
For example, when school starts back up in August, a lot of us assume the summer is over and we're into fall at that point. It works in reverse as well. When school is let out for the year, summer has begun.

Well I'm here to tell you that we aren't even close in our seasons if that's what our thinking is. Summer does not begin at the end of May, even though the kids are out and the temperatures are starting to warm up.
I don't know if you noticed or not, but the temperature here didn't start ramping up into the high 90s until some time into late June, and that is right in line with when summer starts. June 21st was the true first day of summer, even though your brain had already been there for a month.
Here we are on July 18, and we've got a projected temperature of between 103-105 on deck for the day. Nothing screams Amarillo summer like triple digit temps. As you sit on your couch registering the kids for school, you're thinking to yourself, "summer is almost over".
Nope, summer BREAK is almost over, but summer will still have a little over a month to go until it wraps up.
The technical end of summer isn't until September 23rd, and you can expect those temps to stay in the high 90s and even triple digits until that point. Sorry to burst your bubble, but we're going to be hot for awhile longer.
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