Christmas will be here before you know it Amarillo. I hate to be that way but it is inevitable. Haloween is next week. After that, the blur begins. We start planning for Thanksgiving and then the whirlwind of the Christmas season is here.

We know there will be a lot of shopping in the future. We will be running from store to store looking for that perfect gift. What we can't find in town will lead us to go online. Some of us will just turn to the dark side and get everything delivered.

So after all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals have been purchased there is still stuff to do. We will be in the hurry-up and wait stage. We will be waiting for our packages. Then we have to worry about wrapping everything. It's just a lot.

The one thing we don't want to have to worry about is our packages getting stolen. Unfortunately, there are bad people out there and they know we are getting a lot of shopping done online in a short period of time.

They are going to be waiting. They are going to be scoping out the neighborhoods waiting for Amazon deliveries. They are going to steal our stuff. That will break our hearts and come dangerously close to ruining our holidays.

So there is a foolproof way to make sure your packages are safe. You can have them delivered to the one place nobody is brave enough to try to steal from. The Potter County Sheriff's Office. They have offered up their address as a drop-off location.

So make one less worry this holiday season and have your packages delivered to the police. Sure, sounds like a foolproof solution. This holiday season is not going to be ruined by porch pirates.

Christmas Yard Decorations in Amarillo

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

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