There seem to always be changes in the never-ending circle of life that we call Amarillo business. Some businesses close, and new ones try their hand and open. If you don't pay attention, you may miss some changes in our city.

Right before the holidays started, one Amarillo business had three locations in our city, and then suddenly, there were four. I received a text from a friend recently letting me know about this new location.

I looked into it, and not only was it coming, but it was already open. It was just suddenly open. Even after watching this business's social media, it was not there one day. Then, all of a sudden, they had four locations.

Did You Know M&R Liquor Now Has Four Locations?

If you didn't don't worry you are not alone. They do though. They added a fourth location across 45th from the Walmart on Coulter. The location used to be a Pak-a-Sak location to get drinks and such. They closed down a bit ago and that location was sitting empty.

Then on Black Friday, M&R Liquor went on social media from saying visit our three locations to adding that fourth location:

That fourth location is at 7404 SW 45th. That adds to the other three they have had: 5901 Bell St, 2200 SE 34th, and 800 N Western.

So as you are leaving work and you need a nice bottle of wine or something for the evening you now have a new location. M&R Liquor, who I remember as only having that one location in Amarillo has now grown even more this past year.

10 Health Benefits of Wine

Drinking wine, in moderation, can be good for your health.

Gallery Credit:

LOOK: Best Beers From Every State

To find the best beer in each state and Washington D.C., Stacker analyzed January 2020 data from BeerAdvocate, a website that gathers user scores for beer in real-time. BeerAdvocate makes its determinations by compiling consumer ratings for all 50 states and Washington D.C. and applying a weighted rank to each. The weighted rank pulls the beer toward the list's average based on the number of ratings it has and aims to allow lesser-known beers to increase in rank. Only beers with at least 10 rankings to be considered; we took it a step further to only include beers with at least 100 user rankings in our gallery. Keep reading to find out what the best beer is in each of the 50 states and Washington D.C.

Gallery Credit: Angela Underwood




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