Caffeine Or Alcohol? It’s All We Seem To Drink In Texas.
It's almost a running joke these days in Amarillo. You know, the number of coffee shops there are. They seem to constantly pop up, and every single one of them has a tendency to do very well.
Have you ever noticed how many liquor stores there are as well? We talk so much about the plethora of coffee places that you forget just how many Party Stop locations you see around town, not to mention the smaller liquor stores that are placed around the 806.
Well, there's a new study that just came out that might explain why we have so many of each of them. recently conducted a survey with 4,000 respondents that delved into the habits of us Texans. What came out of it was surprising.
A stunning 27% of those respondents said their daily fluid intake is comprised of nothing but caffeine and alcohol! That's right, no water, no sports drinks...just caffeine and alcohol.
Let's start on the caffeine side of this. I swear the state drink of Texas is Dr. Pepper. I see more people sucking those down than I do a bottle of water. Fountain drinks from Toot'n Totum or Pak-A-Sak are permanently glued to Amarillo residents' hands. Roasters seem to constantly have a line no matter the time of day or location.
While we seem to overly enjoy our caffeine, there are some serious drawbacks to it. I mean, if you're relying strictly on caffeinated drinks, there's a good chance you're feeling a bit jittery at times. If you're dependent on caffeine, you may find yourself dealing with some serious anxiety or dehydration.
When we move over to the alcohol consumption here in Texas, that's a bit more alarming. There's apparently something called being "booze fit". What exactly is that? Well, it's being able to go out, party hard through the night, then wake up with a hangover that doesn't seem to faze you and allows you to go about your normal work day without issue.
I don't know about you, but my hangovers don't allow me to want to do ANYTHING without being seriously grumpy or irritated with whatever I'm doing. "Booze fit" is not something I think I'll ever be, but a staggering 48% of respondents in the survey said they WERE "booze fit".
I don't know if we should be proud of this or not Texas, but hey, at least we have an explanation as to why we have so many coffee shops around town. Pardon me while I take a sip of my Palace Coffee drink.
You can see the full study here.