I have this hall closet. It seems to be the catchall for all of these things I don't always use. Heck, I forget what is in there most of the time. We are currently packing up and moving my daughter to the Dallas area so I am making sure we have everything packed.

I dared to open this closet. What did I find? Four laptops. Yes, four. One won't power up so I think it needs a new battery. The other ones will work but they are so old. I mean like my daughter was in middle school old.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

What Do You Do With Old Laptops?

Where do all the laptops go to die? I have no idea. I don't feel good about just dumping them. I mean some computer-savvy person could now have access to my extensive music collection and will either idolize me or chuckle a bit.

That is not what worries me. Mainly I worry about those old family photos. Heck, I don't know what is even on those computers anymore but I am sure there are plenty of photos of my daughter playing soccer or even her volleyball years.

I have backed up all of my photos to an external hard drive. I did that long ago. So I will always have those photos but I want my family to be the only one with access. So what can I do?

The computer that needs a new battery worries me. Do I want to buy a battery and spend that money on a computer that is pretty out of date? Did you know you can take an old laptop to Best Buy?

Yes, you can. I may just have to do that with this battery-less laptop. Put that laptop in the hands of a person in their Geek Squad who will have access to that battery and can wipe my computer clean.

If you have good computers but they are just a little out of date go ahead and wipe them clean. I just learned while researching that I can factory reset any computer. That will remove all of my files. It will get rid of all my great musical taste. Any evidence of my time coaching my daughter's cheerleading team will be gone.

Every computer is different so make sure you Google how to factory reset your exact computer. I would then donate them. You may think it is out of date but there are plenty of places that can put those computers to good use.

If you don't trust the factory reset option you can always choose to remove the hard drive to your computer. That hard drive contains all the files and information you would not want anyone else to get their hands on. Again you can Google how to do that too.

How in the heck did I end up with four laptops at my home? I have no idea. I  just know that them ending up in the dumpster is not a great option. So I will wipe them clean of any and all personal information and donate.

I will feel safe and good about that decision.

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