Where’s Monica? Two Decades After Pampa Woman Disappears, Still Not A Trace
How do people just disappear? That just always floors me that a person can go missing to never be heard of again. Oh, but it happens. Unfortunately, it happens more often than we would like to admit.
Scrolling through the internet recently I came across the name Monica Lynn Appleton. She went missing back on October 13, 1999. That seems like a lifetime ago. It really has been forever. She disappeared without a trace and has never been found.
She was last seen in Amarillo by her mother in the vicinity of the 100 block of northeast 9th Avenue in northwest Amarillo. Her mom wanted her to go back with her to Pampa, where they both lived. She stayed behind. She has not been seen since.
Her mom said the last time she saw Monica she seemed frightened about something. Her mom never found out what had her upset. Monica left behind two kids that ended up growing up without a mother.
Monica had gone through a divorce just a year before she disappeared. There is talk that she then went down the wrong path. She ended up around some sketchy people. She was around the drug and prostitution lifestyle. Which many believe lead to her disappearance.
The guy she was hanging around, Ivory Tealer, otherwise known as T and even T Baby, was interviewed but said he didn't have any information to offer investigators. He then refused to talk anymore about the case. That is a bit sketchy as well.
Following up on this story I found where her mom received a phone call back in 2000 telling her that Monica was dead. That she was murdered and her body was disposed of at a hog farm. No evidence was ever found to support this theory. The guy who called said that her body would never be found.
That is probably the one thing that we do know. Her body has never been found which just leaves us with more questions. Where is Monica Lynn Appleton? Why is she gone? Why would she leave her family? Will she ever be found?
Her family would love to know what happened. They would love some closure one way or another.