Drive-In Theaters Offer A Great Way To Enjoy The Fourth
July Fourth this year feels a little weird. We're not supposed to be gathering in massive crowds. We're under burn bans in portions of our area. Firework shows and parades have been canceled or scaled down in some towns.
Finding something to do is tough.

I've been scouring the internet trying to find something, and I came across the Tascosa Drive-In's Fourth of July celebration they'll be having. Social distancing, a couple of movies, a fireworks show, and all from the comfort of your vehicle.
They'll be showing Jaws and Born On The Fourth Of July on July 4.
Drive-Ins are becoming a staple of American entertainment again thanks to the pandemic. It's a chance to get out of the house with your family and some of your friends, and get some entertainment without having to worry about all of the guidelines we're supposed to follow.
You don't have to worry about wearing a mask in your car. Social distancing isn't an issue because it's kinda built into the whole drive-in experience.
In fact, drive-ins are such a good idea right now that several artists have taken to doing drive-in concerts. Stadiums have made adjustments to open as drive-ins, since sports have been widely canceled for the time being.
There are even stores turning their parking lots into drive-in theaters.
If you're trying to find something to do, or a fireworks show on the Fourth, this seems like a pretty decent option. You can get all of the details on the Tascosa Drive-In's Facebook page.
The cost is $25 per car. No bumper sticker needed.
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