Has Tipping in Amarillo Gone a Bit Overboard?
When I was growing up and going to college I waited tables. That is a job I feel everyone should try once. It will definitely change your thoughts on tipping. It will change your mind about how much work goes into it.
Tipping is something I make sure I do. I know if the meal is bad it doesn't mean the server gets stiffed. The server didn't cook it. Now if you communicated the problem and it wasn't fixed you have a right to be upset. I get it. That is usually not what happens. A server knows that your experience makes or breaks how much money they are going to make.
They are going to do everything in their power to fix the situation. So I do believe in tipping well. I have been there and done that. I don't know if you have felt the same way I have at times.
Tipping has seemed to go way overboard. OK, I have no problem tipping a driver who is delivering my pizza. I have no problem tipping the guy who delivered my Chick-Fil-A. If I was too lazy to go pick it up they are saving me that trip. They are saving me my gas. They are providing me with a service.
I even tip at Sonic when the food is brought out to my car. I could easily go through the drive-thru and not feel the need to tip.
Tipping at places where the hourly wage is below minimum wage yes you need to tip. I know people feel that the business should just pay a liveable wage. I get that argument but that is not going to happen.
I don't understand when I go to a place to get frozen yogurt, you know what I am talking about. Now mind you I love my frozen yogurt I go in and get my cup. I fill it up with all the deliciousness I can handle. I then walk over and put my frozen yogurt goodness on the scale and I pay what I am charged. When I get the receipt I see a place to tip.
For what? I got my own serving. I walked it over myself. I paid for it. There is that spot staring at me for me to put a tip. It makes me feel guilty. They are not the only place that does that.
Same thing if I go and get a coffee. I know the barista is not making $2.13 an hour like a server but they still are hoping for a tip. Should I feel guilty?
Can we get rid of the tip line at places that do not really provide a service? I know they are making minimum wage. It's just crazy. I feel tipping really are for places that provide a service and whose employer doesn't pay them a decent wage.
I don't mind tipping to get waited on in a restaurant. I don't mind tipping when I get my hair done or when my nails look all beautiful but some places just go overboard. What do you think about tipping?
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