Is That Forrest Gump? Relay Runs Through Texas Panhandle Today.
Today should be an interesting day if you're out and about. There's a good chance you're going to see a lot of people just out and about running and think to yourself, what in the world is going on?
It's actually something very cool and supporting a great cause. So if you see this happening around you today, show them support.
The Great American Relay is rolling through Canyon, Amarillo, and the Texas Panhandle today. From now until 10 pm, you're going to see runners passing relay marks around and continuing their journey.
It's a show of solidarity with first responders and military personnel, and they'll be hitting up a lot of the fire stations to pass the baton.
They also partner with a ton of charities that support these groups including the Green Beret Foundation, The Concerns of Police Survivors, and the Firefighter Five Foundation. If you ask me, I think this will be a pretty cool thing to witness.
The fire stations they are scheduled to pass the baton at are:
Canyon Fire Department Station 2
Amarillo Fire Station 3
Amarillo Fire Station 12
Amarillo Fire Station 5
Amarillo Central Fire Station
Amarillo Fire Station 6
Amarillo Fire Station 7
Amarillo Fire Training Center
If you hang out at any of these locations, there's a good chance you'll see a baton get passed and get to cheer on those runners that are making the journey. There is a list of 29 different runners in the region that will be taking part in the festivities.
If you want to stop in at a fire station to support, you can click here for a list of when the runners are expected to arrive at any of the above locations.