Mark And Amarillo PD Say Stay Away From Threads Scams!
We always welcome the introduction of new apps for our phones and other devices. We rely on apps for all sorts of things including shopping, entertainment, bill paying, etc. Communication is obviously a big thing when it comes to apps.
When Meta introduced Threads, it was the fastest downloaded app when it was released. Everyone was busy getting it on their device and began using it quickly. However, when something new is introduced, you can be sure there will be more that comes with it.

Amarillo Police Department took to their social media to let us know about one of the new things introduced with Threads, and naturally that would be scams.
See, we get used to seeing different scams as time goes on. They become easy to point out, namely because we're so used to seeing them on the different apps and platforms we use. They get exposed relatively quickly because we know the app so well.
With something like Threads, we're all still getting used to it. The different quirks and features make it easy for scammers to hop in and take advantage of people since we don't know everything we're doing with it yet.
APD has said that researchers at Veriti have seen a lot of suspicious domains pop up within the threads app, and because we aren't used to it yet, a lot of people are clicking on those particular domains.
It's not a scam that is uncommon, in fact, we're used to seeing these things. Because of the new platform though, the cybercriminals have been able to take advantage of users making them believe they need something for the app or there's an update that needs to happen. The updates are the trickiest because with new apps, they're making changes and updates to make it better for the users all the time.
APD warns not to click on any links, emails, or websites asking them to download Threads. If you don't have it on your device, go directly to your particular app store and download it direct from there.
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