In the age of COVID-19, it seems like almost everything is either canceled, postponed, or closed. We're still finding ways to adapt and adjust to our "new normal."

That's where the Courage Un-Canceled Virtual 5K hosted by Amarillo Parks & Recreation and Run the Edge comes in.

Amarillo Parks and Recreation
Amarillo Parks and Recreation

The "virtual 5K" is being done in a way that adheres to social distancing guidelines, while giving runners something to run for again.

On the Facebook event page, it states that this is a free run for all ages. Registration is open through this Friday, May 1.

Runners then have 24 hours to complete their run.

There are also prizes for fastest times, and for best dressed. I'm thinking blazer and tie up top, biker shorts down low.

This is another great example of how we are finding ways to adapt to the way things are, while still doing the things we love to do.

Amarillo Parks & Recreation is working to find ways to keep us all active under current social distancing guidelines. Not only do they have a virtual 5K set for this Friday, but there's also an at home trivia night being planned as well.

We just have to stay positive and optimistic, and be somewhat creative in how we go about doing the things we love to do.


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