I know it seems like the kids just went back to school in Amarillo from Christmas break. Oh, and they did. Just don't be that parent who forgets there is already an upcoming school holiday for the kiddos. Don't be the parent who drops their kid off at an empty school.

Here is your heads up that they are out again on January 20th for MLK Day. It happens every year but since it is not long after they go back after the holidays it needs a reminder. So if you are one of those parents who don't have family in town to help on a day off like that or don't go to daycare regularly you may need help.

You may be looking for an option because you have to get to work. There are some holidays that you may have off with them and some you don't. You may not want to burn vacation time so early in the year so you need an option.

Luckily, the Don Harrington Discovery Center has that option. They are open and hosting a fun day camp to keep those kids occupied and having fun. It's the MLK Discovery Day Camp.

Don Harrington Discovery Center
Don Harrington Discovery Center

They have the option of just attending half days or the full day. The best part is it is fun and educational. The kids don't even have to know that they are learning on their day off. You won't have to worry about the endless calls about how bored they are. Those won't come because they will be having a blast.

Get them signed up HERE before they fill up.

Take a Trip to the Discovery Center in Amarillo

Amarillo's Discovery Center has so much fun for kids and adults alike. It's time to take another trip now.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

Birthday Parties For The Kiddos in Amarillo

Every year you have to come up with the best place for a birthday party. This can help.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett

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