There Has Been An Unexpected Change to Amarillo’s Market Street
If I can say anything it is that I am a creature of habit. I go to the same stores a lot. I have my favorites when it comes to restaurants. I tend to keep within my circle. I try new things. I do. I just end up back to the familiar.
I know where stuff is located. It makes things faster. That was not the case over the weekend when I made a trip to Market Street. I tend to go there a lot. It had been a little over a week and a half since my last trip. That is not usual.
I had a big list of things I needed. It's grocery shopping. I feel we all tend to need a lot and spend a lot. It's the way of the world. I do go on the app and clip all the rewards that I can. I am thrilled when I can save money.
The first stop on my grocery list was the produce department. Heck, half of my list was stuff I needed in that area. Imagine my surprise when I couldn't find anything. I had to do a double and triple take. I decided to stand in the middle and just scope it all out.
I was used to having the bagged lettuce to the left. The pre-packaged fruits next. Then the heads of lettuce, the carrots and celery. I knew I could find the mushrooms at the end. Then the organic vegetables.
This is Where the Bagged Lettuce Used to Be Located
This is Where the Pre-Packaged Fruit, Lettuce and Carrots Used to Be Located
This is Where the Mushrooms and Organic Products Used to Be Located
The Mushrooms Have Moved All the Way Down to the End Now Along With the Carrots
I knew in the center would be all of my tomatoes, the squashes, the potatoes. I just knew where everything was. Until it just wasn't. I mean I was able to find the stuff I needed. I know that in the end it will all be easier to find. I get why they did it. It makes sense.
It really does. I mean I just have to get used to it. I don't like change. Heck, I still have issues finding the bread. I mean how many years ago was it that the bread aisle was moved. I mean I know where it is. I just have to look down each aisle to make sure I turn on the right one.
I get it. Change has to happen. Just wait a long while until the next change up. I beg of you.
Oh The Ways Amarillo Has Changed Part One
Western Street Then and Now
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