Work From Home Savings? Pretty Big In Texas.
2020 was a year of firsts thanks to COVID. It was the first pandemic we'd lived through, the first time a lot of us had ever put a mask on our face, etc.
It was also the first time a lot of us had ever worked from home.
Now to be honest, when the pandemic hit and everyone was told to stay home, I didn't. I went into work every single day. I was in Austin at the time, and that entire building (aside from myself and one other person) did as they were instructed and stayed in their PJ's while they got their work done from home.
I felt a need to be in the office, live and on the air as the pandemic unfolded around us. Plus, it was kinda cool having this big ol building to myself essentially. There was something liberating about it. I'll admit, it got a little lonely at times but to me, it was worth it.
Fast forward about eight months later to when I was laid off due to budget cuts. I mean, every company had to go through them because everyone was losing so much money. I hold no ill will towards them, I get it.
As I began my search for a new job, I landed in Amarillo. They were gracious enough to let me stay in Austin and work remotely from there while my kids finished their school year and baseball seasons.
That was my first experience working from home. You wanna know what I loved the most about it? I didn't have to get in the car and use gas. I didn't eat out for lunch. I saved myself some good money working from home.
A study has been done highlighting how much money people are saving working from home, and the numbers are pretty impressive.
The national average of savings an employee that works from home gets is roughly $281 per month. Work from home employees in Wyoming are the biggest savers in the country.
So what about Texas? As a whole, work from home employees are saving over $702 MILLION. That works out to be a savings of $206 per month for those people, and truthfully if we adjusted it for current gas prices, it would be more.
Granted, we are a bit below the national average but still, it totals up to just shy of $2,500 a year being saved. That's a pretty nice amount.
The report went on to state that nearly 2/3 of work from home employees prefer it over being in the office setting. I don't know if I like it more than the office, it's easy to get distracted at home, but I do like the savings that come with it. That model would allow me to take a nice vacation every now and then.