After the Fire Amarillo Pizza Location Finally Opens Back Up
It has been a long time Amarillo. It really has. Think back to the spring and summer of last year. A lot happened. We had floods in our area. Lots of water. We had businesses closing because they were waterlogged.
There was a lot of remodeling being done. The area near Lawrence Lake saw a lot of water and a lot of flooding. There are still some businesses trying to recover from that. They had to shut down for a bit.
Then there was a fire around the same time. Back in May last year the employees at 575 Pizzeria were the ones who first noticed the smoke. They were the ones to call the fire department. The smoke was coming from Circle N Appliance.
After the fire was put out at that time Circle N Appliance moved a few spaces down in their shopping center but 575 has been shut ever since. We knew it was getting close to opening back up because they announced it on their social media recently.
So just like everyone else we kept an eye on their page. I felt almost like I was stalking them looking for the answers. It has been almost a year and our neighborhood was really missing having 575 Pizzeria nearby.
Yes, we still had the location on Hillside and we did frequent them too. Oh, but to have them close again was what we were waiting to hear. It finally happened. They kind of snuck in under the radar.
They didn't announce when they were opening. The next post I saw was that they were officially back open for business.
So the long wait is over and everything is once again right with the world. Welcome back 575 Pizzeria on Civic Circle. We have really missed you.
Ready For Some Pizza in Amarillo?
Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett
Date Night in Amarillo
Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM