The I-40 Speedway? Amarillo Responds To Speeding Question.
So I've documented MANY times about driving and drivers in general here in Amarillo. I don't feel I need to go into detail about it for the umpteenth time.
I did find it funny though when I was messing around on Reddit the other day and stumbled upon a post about driving in Amarillo. Let's just say I got a good chuckle out of it.

The question was simple. "Why do people drive so fast here?" I mean, it's a valid question. It's either too slow or too fast. There's no in-between. I've experienced getting stuck behind someone going 40-45 mph and grown infuriated with them. I've always dealt with people nearly clipping the front of my car at 75 mph as they weave in and out of lanes.
Some of the responses on the thread were absolute classics, and I felt a need to share a few of them with you.
Since I just mentioned weaving, I thought I'd lead off with this one. This is the absolute truth. I swear, people have the hardest time trying to stay in their lane. The amount of people I've seen drifting from the center lane to the right or left lane amazes me, or when they lean into a curve in the road, they leak into one of the other lanes. Makes it tough to want to be anywhere close to a person in a different lane.
I mean, they're not wrong here. It seems like the police are never really seen on the main parts of the highways here, so people kind of just run with reckless abandon. I don't have a tendency to venture outside of city limits, so I wouldn't know about them being on the outskirts looking for speeding truckers, but SOME kind of police presence would probably help with the speeding in town.
Ok, this one has to be my favorite response out of them all. The simple answer of "I got places to go" turns into a reference to treating Amarillo highways like Charlotte Motor Speedway had me on the ground laughing. It DOES kinda feel like that sometimes though, doesn't it?
No matter how you look at it, we could stand to slow it down a little bit out there. When cars are going 30-40 mph at different speeds from one another, it does lead to the ability for a massive pile-up, no matter what lane you're in.
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