I know that the Amarillo area is not known for having majestic lakes. We don't live on the coast and get to enjoy ocean life. So that water that we do have we would really love to see it flowing.

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Google Maps

No matter where we want to see some decent water we need to take a bit of a drive. Lake Meredith, we can take a thirty-minute drive and find ourselves in Fritch. We can check out the water there.

We also have Greenbelt in the area. Just an hour's drive gets us to enjoy that water. The problem is that neither of these lakes is doing all that great right now. I mean we have not seen any significant rainfall in quite some time. Meredith is doing a lot better but still, the rain is needed.

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Google Maps

The toll that takes on our water is evident with these photos out at Greenbelt last week. So that is some good news.

Where a lot of people grew up enjoying the water and enjoying the water for fishing. Making memories with family and friends water skiing and inter-tubing can't be used that way now. This is sad. The lack of water hurts a community that has had this great water escape for years.

The good news is that Greenbelt is going to get some help. They will be receiving around eighteen million dollars in financial aid to help them in this time of need. What we really need is rain. For now we will take what we can get. The only thing is this money will ensure that the lake doesn't dry up more. It will help the water treatment plant.

So the only thing that we need is rain and lots of it. I mean moisture helps not only our fun water hangouts but also the farmers. Plus it helps our lawns. So rain really is a good thing and we hope we see a lot of it this spring. As you know April showers bring May flowers and hopefully water to our lakes.

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